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Top 50 Android Interview Questions
- What is Android?
- What is the latest version of Android?
- What are the different Android versions and their names?
- What is an Android package name?
- What is an Android activity?
- What is a content provider in Android?
- What is an intent in Android?
- What is a service in Android?
- What is a broadcast receiver in Android?
- What is an APK in Android?
- What is the difference between a Fragment and an Activity in Android?
- What is the Android application lifecycle?
- What is the difference between Serializable and Parcelable?
- What is the difference between a View and ViewGroup in Android?
- What is an Android resource file?
- What is a resource ID in Android?
- What is an Android layout file?
- What is the difference between match_parent and wrap_content in Android?
- What is a style in Android?
- What is an Android theme?
- What is the difference between a theme and a style in Android?
- What is an Android manifest file?
- What is the purpose of the Android manifest file?
- What is the difference between an implicit and explicit intent in Android?
- What is the difference between a static and dynamic broadcast receiver in Android?
- What is a ContentResolver in Android?
- What is the difference between a cursor and a cursor adapter in Android?
- What is a Loader in Android?
- What is the difference between an AsyncTask and a Thread in Android?
- What is the purpose of the Handler class in Android?
- What is a PendingIntent in Android?
- What is the difference between an activity and a fragment in Android?
- What is the purpose of the onCreateOptionsMenu() method in Android?
- What is the purpose of the onOptionsItemSelected() method in Android?
- What is the difference between a menu and a toolbar in Android?
- What is the difference between a ListView and a RecyclerView in Android?
- What is the purpose of the ViewHolder pattern in Android?
- What is the difference between a drawable and a mipmap in Android?
- What is the purpose of the Android asset folder?
- What is the difference between compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion in Android?
- What is the purpose of the Android support library?
- What is the difference between a Notification and a Toast in Android?
- What is the purpose of the NotificationCompat.Builder class in Android?
- What is the difference between an explicit and implicit IntentFilter in Android?
- What is the difference between a Dialog and a FragmentDialog in Android?
- What is the purpose of the DialogFragment class in Android?
- What is the purpose of the onCreateView() method in Android?
- What is the purpose of the onActivityCreated() method in Android?
- What is the purpose of the onSaveInstanceState() method in Android?
- What is the difference between startActivity() and startActivityForResult() in Android?