MERN Stack Training
Empower your coding journey with Getin Technologies MERN Stack Training, where innovation meets expertise
At Getin Technologies, we have a focus on developing practical skills in our learners through our MERN Stack Training program which focuses on the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) stack and empowers the student to create powerful webs applications that are dynamic in nature. Our course goes beyond just teaching students how to write code; they go deep into every technology in the stack and how these technologies combine to make a complete solution. There are also practical projects built within the course that are practical and applicable to the work environment, training the students how to proficiently build an application from the beginning till the end.
Students receive individual assistance, take part in animated lectures and group work under the supervision of our qualified instructors. MERN Stack Training in Getin Technologies is a must take for today’s up and coming developers whether you want to jumpstart your full stack developer career or simply want to upgrade your existing skills. Come get your skills and we will get you on a path to a great job in web development!
What is MERN Stack?
The MERN stack is a powerful JavaScript-based tool used to quickly and easily build full-stack web applications. It combines four key technologies: MongoDB, a NoSQL database; Express.js, a web application framework; React, a front-end framework; and Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment. By allowing developers to use JavaScript throughout the entire application – both the front-end and back-end – the MERN stack streamlines the development process and improves efficiency. This integrated approach makes the MERN stack a popular choice for creating modern, high-performing web applications.
Why Join MERN Stack Training in Getin Technologies?

MERN Stack Placement
Our MERN stack placement assistance connects you to the best companies that search for candidates with adequate knowledge in MERN Stack.

Industry Expert Trainers
Our trainers are subject matter experts and share very useful industry trends and best practices that keep you ahead of the curve.

Real-world Project
Gain practical experience by working on live projects that mirror actual business scenarios, making you ready for the workplace.

Softskill Training
Develop your problem-solving skills, so you become more adaptable and resourceful in facing the challenges of work.

Dedicated Placement Cell
Our placement team understands your career goals and works closely with you in achieving the same by providing you with the right job opportunity.

Mock Interview Session
Mock interview sessions help you get comfortable with common interview questions and techniques, so you’re ready for anything coming your way.
Skills You'll Learn
Languages/Tools Covered





Node JS


Express JS
Who Can get Placements through MERN Stack Course ?

Freshers (2023 - 2025 Passout)
Eligible: BE, ME, BTech, MTech BSC, BCom, BA, BCA, MBA, MSC, MCA, BBA, MCom
Not Eligible: Diploma

Year Gap (2010 - 2022 Passout)
Eligible: BE, ME, BTech, MTech BSC, BCom, BA, BCA, MBA, MSC, MCA, BBA, MCom
Not Eligible: Diploma

Share your resume to Our WhatsApp +91 8925831826. Our Placement Team will Validate your Profile and get back to you shortly.
MERN Stack Training in Getin Technologies - Module 1

MERN Stack Training in Getin Technologies - Module 2

MERN Stack Training in Getin Technologies - Module 3

Course Syllabus
HTML Basics
- Introduction
- What is difference between HTML and HTML5?
- HTML Overview
- HTML Tag Vs Element
- HTML Attributes
Basic Formatting Tags
- Basic HTML Tags
- Basic Formatting Tags
HTML Grouping Using Div and Span
- Div Tag
- Span Tag
HTML Lists
- Unordered List
- Ordered List
- Definition List
- Image and Image Mapping
- <table>
- <tr>, <th>
- <caption>
- <thead>, <tfoot> , <tbody>
- <colgroup>
- Iframes
- Attributes Using Iframe as the Target
- HTML Form Elements
- HTML Input Types
- HTML Input Attributes
HTML Media
- HTML Audio and HTML Video
- What is CSS?
- CSS Inclusion
- Selectors
- Colors
- Background
- Border
- Margin
- Padding
- Height
- Width
- Sizes
- Box-Model
- CSS Fonts
- CSS Text
- CSS links
- CSS Tables
- Display, Position
- Margin property
- Padding property
- CSS Lists Styles
- CSS Cursors
- CSS Overflow
- CSS Position
- Pseudo Classes
- Pseudo Elements
- Animation
- Transform
- Transition
- Media Query
- Box Sizing Flex and Grid
- Introduction
- Variable Declaration
- Arithmetic Operations
- Array
- Array Methods
- String
- String Method
- Math Module
- Condition Statements
- Loops
- Set, Map
- Events
- Module
- Oops
- Asynchronous
- Promise
- Async, Await
- FetchApi
- JavaScript Function
- Function Closure
- Regular Expression
- Error Handling DOM
- Event Listener
- Date Methods
- Object
Introduction to React
- What is React?
- Why React?
- React version history
- React 16 vs React 15
- Just React – Hello World
- Using create-react-app
- Anatomy of react project
- Running the app
- Debugging first react app
Templating using JSX
- Working with Create Element
- Expressions
- Using logical operators
- Specifying attributes
- Specifying children
It’s all about components.
- Significance of component architecture
- Types of components
- Functional
- Class based
- Pure
- Component Composition
Working with state and props
- What is state and its significance?
- Read state and set
- Passing data to component using props
- Validating props using prop Types
- Supplying default values to props using default Props
Rendering lists
- Using React key
- Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate
Event handling in React.
- Understanding React event
- Understanding Synthetic event
- Passing arguments to event handlers
Understand component lifecycle.
- Understand component
Working with forms
- Controlled components
- Uncontrolled components
- Understand the significance to default Value
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM
Routing with react router.
- Setting up react
- Understand routing in single page
- Working with Browser Router and Hash Router components
- Configuring route with Route component
- Using Switch component to define routing
- Using Switch component to define routing
- Making routes dynamic using route params
- Working with nested routes
- Working with nested routes
- Redirect routes using Redirect Component
- Using Prompt component to get consent of user for
- Path less Route to handle failed
Just Redux
- What is redux?
- Why redux
- Redux principles
- Install and setup
- Creating actions, reducer, and store
Immutable.js for immutable data structures
- What is js?
- Immutable collections
- Lists
- Maps
- Sets
React Redux
- What is React Redux
- Why React Redux
- Install and
- Presentational vs Container components
- Understand high order
- Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage
New Features in React JS
- Understand error boundaries (new in React 16)
- Understand react portals (new in React 16)
Server-side rendering with React.
- What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
- Why SSR
- Working with render To String and render To Static Markup
Introduction to Node.js:
- What is js?
- Installing js and setting up the development environment.
Node.js Basics:
- Getting started with js REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop).
- Introduction to modules in js.
- Understanding the require () function and module,
Asynchronous Programming in Node.js:
- Introduction to asynchronous
- Using callbacks to handle asynchronous
- Overview of Promises and how to use them in js.
File System Operations:
- Working with the built-in ‘fs’ module for file system
- Reading, writing, and manipulating files
HTTP Module:
- Introduction to the built-in ‘http’
- Creating a basic HTTP server and handling HTTP
- Serving static files with js.
Event Emitters:
- Understanding the Event Emitter class for handling
- Creating custom events and event listeners in js.
Working with Streams:
- Introduction to streams and their types.
- Using streams for reading and writing data
Child Processes:
- Understanding child processes in js.
- Spawning child processes and communicating with
- Overview of MongoDB: NoSQL database, document-oriented database, BSON
- Installation and setup of
- Basic MongoDB shell commands for CRUD
- Setting Up Mongoose
- Defining Schemas
- CRUD Operations in mongoose
- Model Creation and Validation
- Querying Data
- Aggregation Framework
- Middleware
- Embedding and Referencing
- Population
- Transactions
- Indexing
- Schema Relationships
Introduction to Express.js:
- Overview of js framework.
- Understanding the benefits of using js for web development.
- Installing js and setting up a basic project structure.
- Defining routes in js.
- Handling HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) using route
- Working with route parameters and query
- Understanding middleware in js.
- Implementing custom middleware for request
- Working with third-party middleware for common tasks like
Templating Engines:
- Introduction to templating engines like EJS, Pug, Handlebars,
- Integrating templating engines with js for server-side rendering.
- Passing data from the server to
Static Files and Middleware:
- Serving static files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, ) using built-in middleware in Express.js.
- Configuring static file serving
Form Handling:
- Handling form submissions in js.
- Parsing form data using middleware like body-parser.
- Validating form data and handling
Database Integration:
- Integrating databases (MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ) with Express.js applications.
- Working with database drivers or ORMs (Object-Relational Mappers) in js.
Authentication and Authorization:
- Implementing user authentication and authorization in js.
- Using middleware like js for authentication strategies (Local, OAuth, etc.).
- Role-based access
- Understanding RESTful API
- Creating RESTful APIs using js.
- Handling CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for
Our Realtime Projects in MERN Stack Training in Getin Technologies

Task Management System
A complete dedicated task management software where the user can add/edit and delete any tasks as per their requirement. Allows user authentication so that all the tasks remains secure and private. Tasks can also be assigned categories regarding their priority and deadlines to make them easier to organize.

E- Commerce Website
A comprehensive e-commerce solution, equipped with product catalog, shopping basket and payment section. Enable users to find, explore and sort the products ensuring better overall shopping experience. It also provides order history and order tracking features so that users are kept up to date

Online Food Ordering System
Buil an online platform for restaurants where customers can browse menus, place orders, and track delivery status. The system includes features like user authentication, a cart system, payment integration, and an admin panel for managing orders, menus, and user accounts.
Objectives of MERN Stack Training in Getin Technologies
- Expertise of Working With MongoDB: Possess understanding of database concepts and proficiently employ MongoDB in designing, administering and querying a database.
- Server Side Development With Express and Node.js: Within the context of a project, create, deploy and run strong backend applications with Node.js and Express.js that implements a RESTful architecture and performs complex data operations.
- Client Side Development With React: Build responsive, stateful and visual user interfaces using React, and mastering CRUD operations through component architecture and usage of states.
- MERN Technologies Integration: Integrate fully robust applications, utilizing MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js and knowing how the data flows in the applications with such technologies.
- Cloud hosting and Version management: Prepare and manage code using Git, deploy applications in the cloud, and execute coordinated efforts of software development teams including management of code.
Solution Finding and Code Debugging: Enhance ability to tackle problems, work on full-stack development of applications while debugging, and writing efficient code.
- Industry-Ready Training: Get ready for a career as a MERN stack developer through extensive training, practical development experience, and personalized placement support to thrive in web development.